2 min readNov 8, 2020
What is the Harm in Getting it Right?

We should ask ourselves “What is the Harm in Getting it Right?”

We have future elections coming up in January- in two years- in four years- and for years to come after that. Why would we not want to make sure that our election system is disciplined, functional, and honest?

The American people cannot afford to let distrust and doubt be a leading factor in our electoral system. Whatever the outcome we need to follow the constitutional rules of election across the board.

One vote per legal voter must be cast by the end of election day.

The world is watching how we handle this. If we do not hold to our rules of law set by the guidelines of the constitution, we lose all respect for values by the rest of the world.

Our history is based on the foundation of purpose, form, and structure, as written in our Constitution of the United States. The Constitutional Convention adopted our Constitution on September 17, 1787.

No unelected entity such as the media, corporations, or the elite has the right to fundamentally change the structure of our country and/or system.

The future of the country must be set in stone and written on the rock of our constitution. It must be solid and not malleable for any intensive purpose as dictated by the sentiment of the time.

Our laws do not require our citizens to vote, but in order to maintain a functional healthy democracy, we must as citizens of the United States of America exercise our responsibility by voting. We must participate in the democratic process in order for it to continue to exist. We must be able to vote for the leaders who will represent our ideas, interests, and values.

The most fundamental principle of a healthy democratic society is to have free and fair elections that are inclusive, transparent, and most importantly accountable. Credible elections must reflect the free expression of the will of the people.

Free and fair elections are the foundation of every healthy democracy, ensuring that our government authority derives from the will of the people.

We need to have confidence that our elections are truly free, and fair. Voters need to be assured of more than just a well-managed day of polling.

We must be confident that our electoral process is fair, equitable, transparent, and most importantly accountable to us the people.

God Bless America!


Written by Monicabroussardauthor

Monica Broussard is a Writer, and Speaker, with a Life Coach Certification. She occasionally writes for her hometown SeaCliff Living Magazine.

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