The Imperfect Politician

5 min readAug 22, 2024

We need to evaluate the impact of The Imperfect Politician on our daily lives and understand what is deemed essential and what is not. It would help if we rethought our position on whether we stay impartial during the upcoming elections or harbor a bias for one individual or the other.

The establishment is uniting to safeguard its power and influence. It is wary of independent-minded individuals who cannot be manipulated in local, county, state, or federal politics.

This is why free-thinking citizens will not be accepted or supported in today’s political environment, and the mainstream media and social platforms will suppress any voice of dissent that does not espouse the current narrative.

So, should we align ourselves with a person who has been accused of disrespecting women and making racist comments? Why should we stand by someone like that?

Or why should we align ourselves with someone who supports releasing people from custody who kill, maim, and destroy? A person who actively leaves us unprotected while our borders stay open to the machinations of the world. Drug and human trafficking, murder, rape, all while being drug cartel controlled.

Well, let’s take a look at the big picture. When considering politicians, we must consider both their successes and failures. No one is perfect, but when they aspire to lead our country, the benefit of their office should attempt to accommodate all citizens, and their actions and track record should be closely examined.

Any statements or actions that threaten our safety, values, and welfare should be denounced. Unfortunately, the current state of affairs also requires us to consider potential candidates’ wrongdoing and thoroughly assess their intentions and impact on society. Every candidate should be held to the highest standard and not be a puppet for the state.

Our primary concern should always be what is best for our family and country, regardless of political popularity, appearance, race, ethnicity, or gender.

History has repeatedly shown us that when we judge someone based on factors other than their character and qualifications for the job, it almost always leads to failure and destruction.

So, how do we accurately assess someone’s character? We can look at their past actions. Not their words. How have they raised their family, and what do their past and present employees say about them? How do they treat their past and present staff members? Listen to the people who know them best.

These are essential opinions because these are people over whom the candidate has some influence or control. If they have treated others with respect and kindness and are well-liked, this indicates how they will treat the public.

Right now, our nation is threatened by a political and ruling class that is afraid of anyone who does not owe them anything. They will stop at nothing to tear down those who oppose them. We must look at the bigger picture and not just focus on issues such as race or gender. Any candidate could be picked apart on any issue, but we must consider all aspects before judgment.

The fate of our nation hangs in the balance. Our constitution and future are on the line. This election will determine what kind of country we will become. Will we be a nation governed by the people or controlled by the government? This is the decision we must make now.

It’s about the United States of America, and it’s up to us to unite and save our country.

We need to consider who is most likely to challenge the ruling class that is destroying our nation. We must agree to save this nation, especially for the next generation and for the men and women who have sacrificed life and limb to ensure we live in freedom.

A united people is the only force a controlling government cannot conquer if united behind the same cause.

There are various ways a politician can improve the average citizen’s life. We as citizens must vote for representatives who will create mechanisms to build ladders of opportunity, allowing our society’s downtrodden to climb out of dependency and to keep our citizens safe and productive.

For the past few decades, both Democrats and Republicans have proposed programs that only fuel dependency. We have transformed from a nation of doers to a nation of takers. This is not a positive development for America or the world.

We need to acknowledge that we are continuing down a destructive path. These politicians are highly skilled at convincing us that things will change and get better. But ultimately, it’s just the same empty promises. The people in power always make grand claims about how they will be different and improve our lives, but in reality; they continue to manipulate and control us for their own gain.

When they claim that grocery prices are down and use a baseline already thirty percent higher than three years ago, the cost of groceries has increased. All I have to do is look at my grocery bill.

Many factors are at play here- from dismantling American family farms in favor of foreign corporations to the state of our energy policy to favor world economics and policies that leave our borders open and fund foreign wars.

Our coffers are empty. We print and pay more in interest than we do on principle for the money we borrow, and then we must ask where all our hard-earned cash has gone — money that could have been used for projects benefiting the majority instead of just a few.

We need to address why our borders remain open, chaos and destruction ensue, and why undocumented individuals from all over the world are being housed, fed, and given funds that we currently don’t have to give.

City streets are unsafe. Our school’s efficiency is declining. Our colleges indoctrinate using anti-American values.

It’s not unreasonable to enforce proper procedures for anyone who knocks at our door. We should ask first for proof of identity and secondly for their purpose for coming — we need to know if they are friends or foes…

These are just a few issues that threaten our country’s stability.

It’s crucial to do your homework, get out and vote, preferably sooner rather than later. Don’t wait until the last minute. It may never come.




Written by Monicabroussardauthor

Monica Broussard is a Writer, and Speaker, with a Life Coach Certification. She occasionally writes for her hometown SeaCliff Living Magazine.

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