Just Not Good Enough

2 min readOct 30, 2023
21 Tattoos

It was a whirlwind of a week. I had my book launch this past week and my 21 Tattoos book signing. I received a question at the book signing that got me thinking. A gentleman in the crowd asked what the most surprising part about the process of writing my book, 21 Tattoos.

This was not the first time I had this question asked- so I was prepared to answer, but then more came out than I expected.

“I didn’t believe that I could be an author.”

The first thing that came to my mind is that I have had difficulty accepting the idea that I could be an author.

When I first started writing, I knew my writing wasn’t good enough. Then I started going to classes, and I would find out that I didn’t do something right, and I knew my work just wasn’t good enough.

I went to the writer’s conferences, and I would be told something in my writing had to be changed, or I had not done something right, my words weren’t clear, and I would know that it just wasn’t good enough.

I would have my writer’s group read it, and they would tell me that it still needed work, and I knew it just wasn’t good enough.

I gave it to my beta readers, and I was told about the changes I should make, and I knew it just wasn’t good enough.

Then one day, I went to a writer’s conference and met my publisher. I gave her my pitch, and she said, “Send me your manuscript.”

So, I immediately sent it in. She read it and told me they were interested; it was good enough.

After editing, and when my book 21 Tattoos became ready for print, it hit me- Now that it’s good enough, I now believe, “I am an Author”.




Written by Monicabroussardauthor

Monica Broussard is a Writer, and Speaker, with a Life Coach Certification. She occasionally writes for her hometown SeaCliff Living Magazine.