Happy Birthday, America!
Since the birth of our American Republic, our ethics, and our sense of self, has shaped our values and ideas. This deep moral pursuit of liberty has been the driving influence since the country’s foundation. The fabric of our laws, ethics, schools, universities, libraries, and hospitals have in the past carried the moral capacity necessary to strengthen the values that are still relevant today.
The belief that Our Liberty must be protected created a society that was willing to sacrifice everything for that freedom. Unfortunately, today the youth of this country have a distorted idea of what is just and right. The argument that we are a nation of bigots, racists and worse have been set forth by people who choose to ignore our history and the Spirit of this nation.
Now the schools teach that we should ignore our history and destroy the foundation of our republic without providing the facts that created the miracle we call The United States of America.
Not long after the establishment of our country, the founding fathers passed a federal law that required all existing and incoming states to establish schools that would teach “morality, religion, and knowledge.” The motivations behind the activism being forced upon us today will destine us to repeat the vilest of world history.
The Bible was removed from the public-school curriculum in the early sixties. Today the schools teach our children that we are inherently evil and that the system must be brought down. Our children leave the system with huge debt and with the disposition of over-inflated entitlement. With the help of outside entities, our youth are being led to a battle line waged in fruitless destruction of our past, present, and future.
The Declaration of Independence proclaims that: “We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.”
To understand the history of the United States of America, it is vital to have the proper recognition for its Christian colonial roots and the sacrifices that came with it.
The belief that God ordained moralistic standards took precedence over human laws. This conviction manifested itself through the Court, which was granted the power to strike down an act of Congress if it violated natural law.
Today that faith we had in the system has vaporized. Our constitutional system which was built on a premise that welded separate powers, with checks and balances resulting in a strong, centralized government has been under demolition and is chipping away at the very foundation of our lives, liberty, and happiness.
The American Founder’s original concept of liberty is totally disconnected from the extremely biased and individualistic way the term is often used today. Behavior that demanded we do what is morally correct was deemed essential in the establishment of Liberty as the lifeline to our freedom. Maintaining order in our public lives through politics rather than force was derived from the belief that humans were created in the image of God; making us reasonable, as opposed to the elite.
The Declaration of Independence led to the American Revolution. The United States’ victory in that revolution, led to the Articles of Confederation which reflect that humans are created in the image of God.
With the commitment to liberty, the Founders never imagined that provisions of the Bill of Rights would be used to protect unrestraint and licentiousness. They believed that moral considerations would inform our legislation.
In George Washington’s handwritten Farewell Address, he urged Americans to understand that “all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity, religion, and morality are indispensable supports.”
At the foundation of the country, there was virtually no support for progressive or contemporary visions that called for a separation of church and state. Today, however, we have politicians who show disdain for religious language and feel it necessary to strip all religious symbols and now historical symbols from public spaces.
Our churches have sold their souls to the Federal Government via the IRS to sustain a specific status under the 501c that gives them more money with no free speech. We have drifted from these first principles and would do well to reconsider the wisdom of these changes with the current conditions.
The Constitution does not mandate a secular nation, and we should be wary of the current academic culture; along with jurists and politicians who would strip religion and our history from the public square.
If we choose to ignore the Founders’ insight that democracy requires a moral people and that our faith is important, if not indispensable, the support for morality will continue to erode.
Our faith will continue to exist without government support, but it should not have to prostrate itself to a hostile, out of control, and historically illiterate generation.
Happy Birthday, America…