For all Those Who Are Mine
When will they see who I want to be?
Out of the shadows, I step where everyone can see.
I feel a pang of disappointment when I realize that no one can see me.
The person inside is trying to get free.
I was obscured by the darkness coming from the shadows in my mind.
A sliver of brightness- the glimmer caught my eye.
Glinting in the darkness like a fallen star,
fallen from the sky, coming from so far-
the burning light cast up, just a hue of what I should do.
A spark from the heart where confidence might start.
In a place that was born in a moment so profound.
My conscience gives a flicker from the flow of love abound.
This is my promise of freedom- like a moth to the flame-
a chance to finally kill all of the blame.
Ready to step back into life, one step at a time,
and be seen again by all those who are mine.
Happy Valentine’s Day!